Hillary Clinton was interviewed at a CNN town hall Tuesday. Clinton said that she sees the “benefits” of medical marijuana and wants to “wait and see what the evidence is” from the two states experimenting with legalizing cannabis for recreational use.
She was asked about her outlook on recreational and medical marijuana.
At the risk of committing radical candor, I have to say I think we need to be very clear about the benefits of marijuana use for medicinal purposes.
The former secretary of State, who is promoting her book Hard Choices, said that “there should be availability (of marijuana) under appropriate circumstances.”
Clinton stated that we need more research, “because we don’t know how it interacts with other drugs.” It’s an interesting situation since many private laboratories are leery of doing research for fear that the federal government will raid their facilities. However, there are already some clinical trials around the world as reported by Patients Out of Time.
What do you think about her answer to this “tough” question? Sound off in the comments below…