The interest in using cannabis extract medicine to treat cancer and other diseases has been growing tremendously over the past six years. Growth has been particularly accelerated by the release …
PAIN … the Great Equalizer
I just learned last night about another young adult, this one from my home town who has been living with chronic pain for the last year or so. Fell off …
The Jig Is Up – We Need To Come Clean With Our Kids!
Oh what a complicated web we weave, we humans in this society. We live our lives with these two levels of truths where we allow companies to advertise to us …
Lazy Stoners create new strains of medicine
Sometimes it takes me a long time to realize exactly how to verbalize my thoughts on certain subjects. I’m all about the Cannabis plant as many of you know. And …
Citicoline has been shown to reduce psychoactive effects of THC
Citicoline has been discovered to reduce psychoactive effects of THC. Dr. Janet Sweeney, Ph.D. says that patients undergoing cannabis extract therapy have reported that citicoline “cuts the high” to a manageable level. Because …
Gateway Tee Giveaway
New York Senate Committee To Vote Tuesday On Medical Marijuana
According to polling released in February, 88% of New York residents support legal medical cannabis. New York’s Senate Health Committee will vote Tuesday on a proposal to legalize medical cannabis. According to Senator …
Minnesota passes concentrate-only medical marijuana bill
Minnesota passes concentrate-only medical marijuana bill Gov. Mark Dayton announced he’ll sign the bill into law even before this afternoon’s press conference even began. Though qualifying Minnesota medical marijuana patients …